Funeral arrangements might seem like the last thing you want to think about but planning your memorial or burial can save your loved ones stress and also money. In short, as confronting as it might be it pays to plan your own send-off. It’s the best way to ensure that you are remembered and sent off exactly how you requested, on your own terms. Seaside Funerals offers two main ways to put your affairs in order long before you pass away pre-arranged and prepaid funerals.
Pre-Arranged Funeral Contracts
When it comes to funeral arrangements, consider the benefits of putting your final wishes down on paper:
• It will be invaluable to family and friends, who often struggle with decision-making and information required after a loved one passes away.
• It means tough decisions are made calmly and rationally
• Pre-arranged funerals give you peace of mind We will collect the required personal and official information so others do not need to go searching when the time comes to make funeral arrangements. This includes the personal details needed to register a death and obtain a death certificate. You can also tell us the funeral service you want rather than expecting others to guess or assume how you would like to be remembered. Details are important, from the music you would like played to the pallbearers you would like to carry your coffin.
Who Can Take Out Pre-Arranged Funerals?
A pre-arranged funeral can be organised at any time. Copies of the contract are held by you and/or a family member and Seaside Funerals. It’s essential to inform the next of kin and/or your executor of the contract, and don’t forget to tell them where it is kept. Upon death, we will arrange the funeral as specified by your prepaid funeral plans. One other detail to bear in mind with this arrangement – the cost of the funeral is not fixed at the time of signing the contract.
The Benefits of Prepaid Funerals in Melbourne
1. No more to pay – The price of our prepaid funeral plans are fixed at today’s prices.
2. Anyone is eligible – No matter your age or health, you can obtain a pre-paid funeral plan.
3. Better than a bank account – Unlike money in the bank, a pre-paid plan is not regarded as an asset, which means it doesn’t affect your pension up to a stated amount. It is important to be aware that if death occurs before the contract has been paid in full, the family will be required to pay the balance and any price increases since the signing of the contract. To discuss everything from funeral arrangements to prepaid funerals in Melbourne, get in touch with Seaside Funerals today.